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Chinese manufacturing transformation and upgrading of tide

Release time:2018-03-09 11:05:22  Views:

May 18, 2015, "China 2025," the official release, which is the Chinese version of "Industry 4.0 plan" plan proposed the construction of three decades of Chinese manufacturing power "three-step" strategy is the implementation of our strategic manufacturing power Programme of action for the first decade, a clear mission and strategy 9 including robotics, including ten key industries, plans to manufacture in 2025 into the ranks of power.
Recently, the Minister of stage a meeting in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Miao Wei talked System, General Secretary Xi Jinping to speed up the establishment of a national system of innovation in manufacturing, good depth of integration of information technology and industrialization of this great article, to seize the high ground of a new round of industrial competition . When Prime Minister Li Keqiang in Fujian study also said that China's economy to maintain long-term high-speed, must move towards high-end, to accelerate the "Made in China 2025." Chinese manufacturing to China to create, China China to speed quality Chinese products to the Chinese brand of change, transformation of the enterprise itself is an integral part. However, the problem is that Chinese industry had to face: a lot of industry is still in the industry 3.0, 2.0 or even industrial stage, such as robots and other core technologies to be improved, and technical route has yet to develop a unified standard. Despite the historical inertia and technical bottlenecks across the country to build high-tech industrial parks and intelligent manufacturing transformation and upgrading of the wave is still overwhelming. Manufacturing transformation and upgrading of major breakthrough, great speed is about to start, where the robot and intelligent equipment industry much attention all over the country, currently announced or under construction in the industrial park more than 40 robots. Statistics show that last year in Guangdong, accounting for about one-third the size of the robot market. It is reported that, as of Dongguan City, "triple" Project Rio Star new plant will become the largest automation industry base in South China.
Upgrade in talent and technology of the most ignored. In the mining potential of new industrialization, the need to aggregate resources in scientific research, technology management, and other professionals, strengthened technology development and market-mover advantage. In the robotics industry, Shenyang New Song Robot rely on the CAS scientific background to international robot most complete product line, robot industry's largest base among the world's advanced level. Rio Star Technology Co., Ltd. of Guangdong has long insisted "technology is king" concept of development, with the core patents and more than 40 patents in the newspaper, which successfully promoted the "year of the return of automation" and meet the scalable, replicable , general-purpose, open-ended four conditions fully optimized for industrial automation solutions, access to domestic and foreign customers, not only for the more than 500 companies carefully build, but also for small and medium enterprises to quickly implement custom back this year, the overall sustained efficiency. So it has a solid technical advantages of intelligent manufacturing companies are currently rare, Looking at China, most of the main manufacturing process still in its early stages, independent research and development and quality solutions application experience is not huge, front-line workers and cultural quality is generally difficult to adapt to the Industry 4.0 intelligent control information age, need to production, technical personnel to the full range of transformation and upgrading.
